domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

SkypePal by Andrea Cardenas

On Wednesday we had a different kind of class because we talked via Skype with a student of Spanish in a U.S. University. We first spoke in Spanish and then in English.

Arrive about 20 minutes late, so I apologize to who was going to talk, I don`t remember his name but we were talking about things that you would make if you come to Ecuador, and in such a small country we have so much diversity, were also talking to some places we have visited outside of our country, we talk about food and especially ice cream, something very interesting is that he told me he had heard of Chimborazo, because in his college had  Ecuadorian`s classmates.

Speaking in English talked over the tastes of each one, he told me he played the trombone because he likes jazz and blues and has a band. I talk about my failed attempt to play violin l years ago and how hard I worked. We talk and a book he is reading "Game of Thrones", I knew a little about the subject by the television series, he recommended me read the book for the details there. I asked him about some American writers, but do not know much about literature, it was nice to talk to him but would remember his name.

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