domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

Three Skeleton Keys Alternative End by Belen Chediak

JEAN: (narrates) The night passed by, we we're panic. The food and the water were gone. What shall we do? We needed a wait out of this jail but everything turned into a terrific situation.
AUGUSTE: We should light a match, and let the sharks help us.
LOUIS: It's not that easy! They've taken everything.
JEAN: (narrates) Louis was right, there was npthing we could do to save us, but somehow we still had a hope. That some ship would come to us and rescue us from this poisonous rats.
Still, we had at least a little waterand food. But I was scared about Auguste, he was becoming nuts. Poor of him, I wasn't sure he could handle this pressure.
Some days passed by, and our hopes were reducing, so we decided to stay there. The hobby was to name the rats, as we saw them, but it was difficult though. The were so many, and keeped moving like hell.
One day we saw a light in the dark. It was a ship, but we didn't know it would manage to save us. I stood up with Louis, and some rats have eaten the wood.
As we walked in the gallery, we heard some rats sneaking, and they came in. They ran faster and our clothes were shedred with blood, all of the bites really did hurt.
We tried to lock ourselves again, but we were really injured. Suddenly, I felt asleep.


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