Three Skeleton Keys. The end By Reinaldo
(narrates): lack of oxygen, the oxygen caused little food and I start to rave.
I also was crazy. while my friend was bleeding I thought I was resting on the
(to the rats) my audience wants more. I will give you more. I will dance and
then I throw with my audience.
(narrates): Lousi lost too much blood and was crazy
LOUIS: (to
Auguste) not be stupid my good friend. Your audience does not like you because
you act badly.
(narrates): Auguste and Jean began to fight
(to Jean) shut up, do not know what you say
(narrates) suddenly saw in my delirium that was feeding on Jean. he was too
unwell to realize. I got up and found a lot of rat poison. in my madness I put all the poison to Louis. and within minutes the rat died. Lousi but also he was bad for the rat poison.
LOUIS: (to Jean) you are fool. you condemned me to a slow death.
JEAN (narrates) I was too unwell to realize what I was doing.
JEAN (Lousi): You will be our salvation.
JEAN (narrates): suddenly I opened the door and I hid quickly. The rats only sniffed blood and ate Louis.
AUGUSTE: (to the rats) no! why they want to Lousi, I'm the star!
JEAN (narrates): but the rats were too distracted to eat. At the time I take an advantage to escape. I took auguste´s hand and ran. when the rats was climbing to eat Louis.
JEAN (narrates): I was very sad about the sacrifice I made. I'm a murderer told me as he ran. I suddenly saw that the rats began to follow me, in my despair take a knife and cut the Auguste´s navel and I push him down the steps. The rats were eating it straight to Auguste.
AUGUSTE: (to the rats) Vome my dear audience, I knew I was better than Louis hahaha ..
JEAN (narrates): when I was running I was saying, what the hell I'm doing, they were my friends. many rats chewed my feet but I managed to get to the road where he was the police. the only thing I could do was surrender.
Police: (Jean) What about your friends
JEAN (narrates): I was very crazy
JEAN (Police): they are with their fans, I help them to become famous. Too bad we do not live.
JEAN (narrates): I'm in a Rehabilitative Center where I have very little time of lucidity. after ñjsdfñgs'jsgdñsgd'ptjñsdglñgdkpñlf
Great ending!! I guess the Rehab Center is not very good... he's still nuts!!