JEAN (narrates): So I decided to tight Auguste because I didnt want him to break the glass. After doing that I went to Louis and ask for help, so we can go a few levels down and take the rockets.
JEAN: Hey Louis, we need to do something about this.
LOUIS: Do what?
JEAN: We need to go down to shoot the rockets, and I need your help.
LOUIS: Ha..., my help, I cant help you, I am injured and Im useless.
JEAN: No Louis, you are still the boss, so prove it.
JEAN (narrates): So Louis, taking all his courage stood up and went up to Auguste.
LOUIS: Auguste, are you helping or we cannot count with you?
AUGUSTE: bzaaaaa, the rats..., they are friends, lets let them go in. We can drink tea.
LOUIS: Ok, we lost this fellow. Jean, its just you and me.
JEAN: Thats more than enough
LOUIS: I hope Jean.

They got together and started thinking a plan, they decide that one of them, Louis is going to be the bait. He will make some noise so the rats will follow him, while, the other, Jean, will go and shoot the rockets.
LOUIS: Ok, Are you ready?
JEAN: eeeeeeee
LOUIS: (loudly) Yes or No?
JEAN: YeeeezzzJEAN: Thats more than enough
LOUIS: I hope Jean.
They got together and started thinking a plan, they decide that one of them, Louis is going to be the bait. He will make some noise so the rats will follow him, while, the other, Jean, will go and shoot the rockets.
LOUIS: Ok, Are you ready?
JEAN: eeeeeeee
LOUIS: (loudly) Yes or No?
LOUIS: Open the door in 3, 2, 1.....
Jean opened the door, they saw thousand of rats, Louis got paralyzed. Jean hide above a table.
JEAN: Runnnnnnnnnn
So Louis start running, and all the rats running back him. He was running as fast as he could. He went down, level by level, just running and hitting rats on the way. Then Jean, felt it was safe to went out, and she did. She went silently to get the rockets, and she did, she shoot the rockets, but this just atrackted the atention of the rats, so all the rats went to got her. Jean ran to Louis and they both went back to the same room.
JEAN: Do you think someone saw the rocket?
LOUIS: Im pretty sure someone did, now we just need to wait.
JEAN: Wait?, for how long?
LOUIS: I dont know
JEAN: What if noone saw the rocket
LOUIS: Well, we would wait for nothing.
Days passed by and none appered. The tree of them were really weak, kind of crazy because of hearing the rats.
The rats were still there, because they had lots of food and they were waiting for the rest of the food inside that room.
JEAN: Louissss, I cant wait more, lets do something else.
LOUIS: Yes, lets do something
AUGUSTE: do what, we are caught here.
LOUIS and AUGUSTE: whattttt? Are you insane?
JEAN: No, Im not, Im just tired of being here. Just think about it, we can use the rest of the rockets to start a fire.
AUGUSTE: Wouhhh, you want to burn those beautiful creatures?
JEAN: no, I dont want to, but if thats the only way I can get out of here, I will. So are you with me?
LOUIS: definately Yessss
AUGUSTE: why not? there is nothing to lose.
So they all got ready, Jean charged all the rockects, she will shoot one and Louis will shoot the other. Auguste will be encharge of opening the door and the closing it in the precise time.
JEAN: Ok, lets do this
LOUIS: Ready
JEAN: Gooooooooooooooooooooo
Auguste opened the door, the rats ran to got inside.
Bangggggggggggggg, Bunnnnnnnnnnnnnn, Splashh, Plick.
Just a few seconds, Auguste closed the door.
Everything was perfect, all the rats got burned, the three friends waited to the fire to stop, went out and scape from that place.
Well, this is nice for a change, a happy ending!