I have not written in a while .... the last weekends we went out to the field with the guys from botany class.
Actually it has been a satisfying experience to go out on the field with them, and share my little knowledge.
Well, we traveled to Guajalito, a reserve located in the southern province of Pichincha. Guajalito comprises about 400 hectares of cloud forest. This ecosystem is perfect to studying plants and especially those that are closely related to water. As is the case of bryophytes (liverworts, hornworts and mosses)
The boys were very enterprising and their behavior was excellent, they listened to lectures that were given. Not only about plants but also about bats and mammals in general.
We walked in the wood to, and we saw ferns 15m high. The boys also learned basic things like pressing plants and collection of bats and insects. We show also some families, genera and species of plants. Actually the basics things that a botanist and biologist in training should know.
Every day the boys were preparing food for all, and i have to say, this moments are actually very pleasant because we learn to live with the rest of the teammates.
These have been the kind of activities that I have been doing. I hope that people who are not biologists in this class will learn something from our scientific life. I like talking about my career.
It's very nice to see that you're really into your career! It seems pretty interesting, and I'd like to know more about what you do!