domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Ricardo, Tom.

Tom is a father really worried about the daily situations in his life, until the death of his son, wich for obvious reasons affects Tom  in every way, not only emotionally but also mentally.

When Tom decides to make the trip he really does it for Daniel, for his adventurous spirit, and their desire to live, to enhance the memory of his dead son. During the way Tom lives countless situations that open his eyes to the reality, he begins to know himself and to awake his desire to know the world and love the moments that are being experienced.

Along the way he meets three characters that I think  will show to Tom the differents components of life, and will help them to realize how necessary was the trip for him. A trip not only necessary to fuel the memory of Daniel, but also to take a new step in his life,the self-discovery of his being as a person and as a human, as a creature that lives in this world and lives of small shades of life.

Finally I think that he need a new approach, which is why he should take the decision to go or not to throw his son's ashes in the sea. The decision taken in this regard will be crucial to Tom because that is where he  will realize how necessary it was to make the road. The road more than a spiritual and religious event is a very important step of each of the pilgrims.

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