Over the last month we have planning and recording a soap opera, we had chosen to record The Little Mermaid since it is a cute story and we could make the voices to reproduce the movie.
I agreed to record this because i really like the story, it is one of my favorites Disney movies. I do Ariel´s voice in the recording soap opera. I find it really nice but I hate to listen my reocrded voice,so I rather never hear it. Bianca, Stephy and Grace do a great job, too. It is funny how the have to change their voices in order to sound childish or evil. As I love the movie it isn´t difficult to sound like Ariel. The boys also do an excellent job as Sebastian or the prince. I really like how Ricardo change his voice into several characters. He is really talented! I'm looking forward to finish recording this week and be able to edit all the voice notes.
domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
Recording by Reinaldo Espinoza
During the
time when we look for a script, I don´t imagine that we would find the script
for an episode of Futurama, “Bender gets made” in my opinion it was fun to
find. During this time I practiced my pronunciation in English, to interpret
some characters from the Futurama´s series. I interpret multiple characters as Hermes, Dr.
Farnsworth, Tinny Tim, Doctor, and URL. For me it was a bit tricky to different
voices on the recording.
At the end we were all in agreement with our
characters and we work well together.
problem was the emotion of each character that I represented, the characters
have emotions forming their attitude but in the end I think my recording was
well. In conclusion for me this exercise helped me practice my pronunciation
and to understand a little English also was fun to record this episode with my
Little Mermaid by Stephanie
The funniest thing is how Ricardo can do many voices,
I think that if could do the female voices so well us he does the male voices
maybe he could do all the play by his own. I remember also another situation when Andres
tried to do Triton’s voice but he couldn’t do it , it was extremely hilarious .
I used to love playing roles and doing different voices so that is why I enjoy
doing this kind of things and also because I think that the Little mermaid is a
great story which I would like to watch again. At the beginning we had many
problems organizing ourselves but I think that now we are doing it well, all
the days before English class we get together and we continue recording and
acting out. At the end of the day I hope this project would be made with high quality
and become something that we would be proud about.
Experience in the Recording by Cristian Rosero
my experience in the recording
For me it was a nice experience, although we at first we could not reach an agreement because we did not know how to do the recording. The hardest part was deciding we were going to dramatize, we did not know whether to make a novel, a comedy, a horror script but finally decided to make a famous cartoon which was "Futurama". then what we first did was divide the characters I got to make my character "Fray".
Fray is the main character in the series who is a little clumsy but fun and extroverted with his ideas and way of looking at things makes it unique in the series. Another problem we had was in the recording because we could not find or see an hour to assemble and to record, so we decided to record individually to unite all parties after and be able to present a good job.
In conclusion I can say that the recording was something different, fun but also sometimes I felt stressed.
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
Joost by Stephanie
He is like an open book ,his personality is
really clear as the water and peaceful .Many people would say that he is a dump
, but I think that he is naive ,as a child, I really like him because he remains
me a good friend ,who now is far away .
I said that he is like a book because it is really easy to know what he is
thinking about , his gestures are really expressive, and it is good for me
because I think that it is easy to identify what kind of feeling does a person
has just looking to his eyes.
Ricardo, Tom.
Tom is a father really worried about the daily situations in his life, until the death of his son, wich for obvious reasons affects Tom in every way, not only emotionally but also mentally.
When Tom decides to make the trip he really does it for Daniel, for his adventurous spirit, and their desire to live, to enhance the memory of his dead son. During the way Tom lives countless situations that open his eyes to the reality, he begins to know himself and to awake his desire to know the world and love the moments that are being experienced.
Along the way he meets three characters that I think will show to Tom the differents components of life, and will help them to realize how necessary was the trip for him. A trip not only necessary to fuel the memory of Daniel, but also to take a new step in his life,the self-discovery of his being as a person and as a human, as a creature that lives in this world and lives of small shades of life.
Finally I think that he need a new approach, which is why he should take the decision to go or not to throw his son's ashes in the sea. The decision taken in this regard will be crucial to Tom because that is where he will realize how necessary it was to make the road. The road more than a spiritual and religious event is a very important step of each of the pilgrims.
The Way By Reinaldo Espinoza
Tom is an
American ophthalmologist who receives a call from France with the news that his
son died in a storm of the Camino de Santiago in France. When he check his son
died, he decided to continue the road that his son couldn't continue. He has
more than 60 years old and very tired, but Tom's love for his son gives
energies to start the road and accompany his son´s spirit on the way. His son
is dead but he is in Tom´s heart and that's enough to accompany him on the
road. Along the way he meets many people that help him overcome the pain he has
inside. In the film he is a person who speaks little and isn´t very social, but
over time becomes more social with their peers the way. In the road Tom meet
Jack, a famous American writer who is looking for inspiration to keep writing
because he has a complicated life. Through the history of Tom, Jack achieved
get inspiration on a new story for his book. At the end of the movie Tom is
very proud to finish the way his child started. Tom is a person who learn me to
know that never is too late to make things and I want to visit that road.
The Way Character Analysis- Bianca
Most of us
will analyze Tom because he is the protagonist of the story and the theme of
this movie is around him, well, I’ll like to analyze him to but because is an
interesting character whose attitude I’m familiar with. Well, to begin, Tom is
probably an ordinary American, a doctor from California and I think he is not a
bad man. The opening scenes of the film show him dealing kindly with a patient
at his ophthalmology practice. Tom is totally devoted to his work and his
patients and looks upon himself as a responsible adult. He loves his son,
Daniel, though he drives him crazy with what Tom thinks is his lack of
direction and drive. The conflict between father and son is like. In a
flashback, the movie shows Daniel deciding not to finish his PhD, a choice that
his father puts down to his son’s irresponsibility. Daniel goes off with his
backpack and a pocketful of maps to see the world. Tom wants to protect his son
as he protects himself, keeping him safe, walled high around with the rules,
with PhDs, jobs and health insurance. He fears life, and fears for his son.
In a lot of
senses, this story is not about religion, but spirituality, and though Tom is a
believer, he does not trust God. But God was calling Tom, and when Daniel is
killed by bad weather in the Alps, he goes to France to collect his body and
realizes he can no longer resist that call, though he does not yet recognize
the voice. He goes to
France to collect Daniel’s remains and he learns about the Camino, the
pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, a route taken for centuries by people
looking for different things, meaning, forgiveness, health or just adventure.
Tom takes a leap of faith, and decides to walk the Camino, though he does not
really know why.
And then the
journey begins.. All the people Tom meets along “The Way” treat him kindly, the
policeman who calls him to France from his golf game, his fellow walkers, everyone.
But Tom’s heart is closed to them all. He is an adult, in an adult’s world.
There can be no room in the adult world for the child of God, protected and
loved by God. Tom keeps his inner child of God carefully enclosed and protects
him himself, without God’s help, he feels strong enough to handle every
situation, even loss.
Along The
Way, Tom tries to walk the route while keeping his heart locked, but he is
thrown together with three others who are, in their own ways, equally damaged. I
think that Tom has a special relationship with Sarah, they have this connection
in which sometimes they can get along well and some others they can’t stand
each other, in fact the interactions between Tom and Sarah are particularly complex and moving.
Probably, some of the film's most moving moments come in the interplay between
these two. As we learn more about Sarah and her reasons for walking the Camino,
we not only understand her character better but also why these two people are
well suited to understand and help each other. Grief and sorrow often gather
those who feel it from others; words of sympathy grate when we feel those
expressing them cannot truly understand what we are going through. When Sarah
finally shares a difficult part of her past with Tom and only with him, it is
one of the more powerful moments in the film because the emphasis in the story
is less on what she did than on the devastating emotional consequences of her
To conclude, Tom Avery is a very interesting character. I
think that in a lot of senses we can find ourselves in him because we try to
overcome things without help, because we believe we are strong enough to bear
all the difficulties of life, and even if we believe in God or not, we don’t
even like to look for help in other people, and that superiority complex that
we have, eventually brings us more suffering. I’ll like to see what happens to
Tom in the end of the movie, to see if he recovers, if he finally finds what he
is seeking or maybe finds something he deserve but he wasn’t looking for it. He
became like the father or the paternal symbol of the group, he can guide them,
maybe he’ll find in them comfort, and the bravery to recognize that he made a
lot of mistakes within the relationship with Daniel due to fear.
The Way by Cristian Rosero
The Way "El Camino de Santiago"
Tom is a renowned ophthalmologist in California who one day receives a call informing him of the death of his son. Tom travels to Europe to make all preparations for the death of his son but discovers that his son was following the Camino de Santiago and had not finished, his son had been in the first stage.
To see this last will complete your child, Tom takes up the road instead. I think he hits the road to self discovery, which I think also discover the greatness of three missing people like him; though at first they are not to his liking I think you will discover true friends.
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
The way by Belen Chediak
During the movie "The Way" I was really caught up in the character of Joost. He´s reliable personality, eventhought Tom always managed to avoid him. I really liked the guy because he was the optimist, funny and amusing one. The way to Santiago de Compostela was a hard trip, and he tried to make it nice. In the movie he explained he took the route because he wanted to loose weight for his brother's wedding, and because he wanted his wife to love him again. Most of the time he spent eaing in the albergues and the restaurants in Spain, but still he has a really good point. As Buddha said : "The way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart". the trip is just an excuse for the people that want to discover themselves and to find a way ou of their daily problems.
The movie "The way" by Rafael Suarez
Why Tom is waling the Camino?
Tom whose an American ophthalmologist is walking the Camino to Santiago the Compostela, because his son died doing this trip. He is joined with 3 others walkers. Each one of them have a specific purpose of doing this spiritual trip.
Subconsciously Tom thinks he will feel better when he finishes the Camino. He thinks this train is going to help him to continue his life.
But more important Tom wants to make this spiritual trip with his son. His last trip with his beloved son.
by Rafael Suarez
El camino to santiago. Ricardo Zambrano
The Camino de Santiago, are actually several hiking routes that all lead to the town of Santiago de Compostela in northern spain. The Camino Frances is the most popular camino, starting in Saint Jean de Pied de Port in France, and ending up about 30 days later in the town of Santiago de Compostela.
The origins of the Camino de Santiago goes back one thousand years and it was an important christian pilgrimage route during the middle ages, all walking to seek forgiveness from St James. It is though that the remains of the apostle saint james is buried in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. From around 813 with the discovery of the relics of the apostle and with the consent of Charlemagne, who wanted to defend their borders from the Arab invasions, Compostela will progressively become a pilgrimage center to receive their final push in the first half of the twelfth century . Soon the news spread throughout Christian Europe and the pilgrims begin to arrive at the grave, called Campus Stellae that degenerate in Compostela term.
In modern times pilgrims walk it for many reasons, not only religious, and to be a pilgrim has changed its meaning. What attracts people to the camino de santiago today, I think, is the mix of adventure, seeing spain and its culture and the camaraderie that builds up over several weeks of walking. Pilgrims that walk come from all over the world and that creates a great environment.
The routes have public alberuges in almost every town at the end of each stage. These public alberges charges a low fee and gives you a shower and a place to sleep. This is usually beds in rooms with ten or twenty other pilgrims.
domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012
El Camino de Santiago by Grace Ribadeneira
"El camino de Santiago" is a route traveled by pilgrims from all over Spain and across Europe to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela, where they venerate the relics of St. James the Greater. Numerous Jacobean pilgrimage routes throughout the centuries have been creating in Spain. Classified by geographical region:
*Caminos de Santiago en Galicia
*Camino de Santiago Portugués Interior
*Camino de Santiago Portuguese coast
*Camino de Santiago, the Ria de Arosa
*Camino de Santiago, the English
*Camino de Santiago to Finisterre
*Camino de Santiago Fraces
*Camino de Santiago Aragon Fraces
*Camino de Santiago French
*Viejo Camino de Santiago
*North Camino de Santiago
*Camino de Santiago de la Costa
*Camino de Santiago Primitivo
*Camino de Santiago Real
*Camino de Santiago Basque Interior
*Camino de Santiago Besaya
*Camino de Santiago Vadiniense
*Camino de Santiago, Via de la Plata
*Camino de Santiago de la Plata
*Camino de Santiago Sanabrés
*Camino de Santiago from Badajoz
*Camino de Santiago from Huelva by Sierra
*Camino de Santiago from Huelva by the Marshes
*Camino de Santiago from Algeciras
*Camino de Santiago from Antequera
*Camino de Santiago del Ebro
*Camino de Santiago del Ebro
*Camino de Santiago de Teruel
*Camino de Santiago del Maestrazgo
*Camino de Santiago de Castilla
*Camino de Santiago Wool
*Camino de Santiago de Soria
* Camino de Santiago de Madrid
*Camino de Santiago Alcarrian
*Camino de Santiago Catalan
*Camino de Santiago Catalan: Walking Zaragoza
*Camino de Santiago Catalan: Walking Huesca
*Camino de Santiago de Gerona
*Camino de Santiago from Puigcerdá
*Camino de Santiago from Viella
*Camino de Santiago from Tarragona
*Camino de Santiago Southeast and Levante
*Camino de Santiago Southeast. Way from Alicante
*Camino de Santiago Levantine from Valencia
*Camino de Santiago from Cartagena: Ruta del Azahar
*Camino de Santiago of Routes of Mozárabez
*Camino de Santiago Mozárabe
*Camino de Santiago by Mozarabic Toledo
*Camino de Santiago desd Malaga
*Camino de Santiago from Almeria
*Camino de Santiago from Jaén
El Camino de Santiago generates new saints and legends of miracles. The privilege granted, and confirmed by Alexander III, is that the year on July 25, the feast of St. James the Great, is a Sunday can be won in the Church of Compostela thank them who make such years in Rome that there often coincide every 25 years. It is the oldest award bull that we maintain, the Regis aeterni, dated 1179. She herself refers to confirming a privilege of Pope Calixtus II (1118-1124). This pope, brother of Don Raymond of Burgundy and, therefore, uncle of King Alfonso VII, was a great benefactor of the Church of Compostela.
I think it's a very interesting way of magic and legends in which I could learn a lot from each of the known tourist through which the "Camino de Santiago", plus you could see the different species of animals and plants the places I visit.
Santiago de Compostela by Stephanie
I definitely would like do this , I love the
nature and I think that it is a trip that can be done alone or with the people
you love , the only difference is what you are going to get from those experience,
If you go alone maybe you will learn more about you , thinking , analyzing and
looking for every detail about yourself
and what is happening around .
It will help you to growth as a better
person. But if you go with your family or friends then you will enjoy in a different
way, but it doesn’t mean that It will be lack of great deep moments. The
relations between you and the people that you love would have a new and
stronger connection.
time you make plans to travel you have to know as much as possible of the place
where you are planning to go. You have to search for maps, general information,
where you can eat and rest, where you can go in case you or a friend suffers an
accident. In the case of the people who want to do this trip they should know
which are the stages and where they are located ,and also what they can find there.
If you take for example , the French Way then
you will have to know more about the 31 stages that it has. These are the first
16 stages from that way:
• Stage1
Saint Jean Pied de Port - Roncesvalles 25,7 Km 8 hostels
• Stage 2
- Zubiri 21,5 Km 3 hostels
• Stage 3
Zubiri - Pamplona/Iruña
20,4 Km 9 hostels
• Stage 4
- Puente la Reina/Gares 24 Km 8hostels
• Stage 5
Puente la
Reina/Gares - Estella/Lizarra 22 Km 9 hostels
• Stage 6
- Torres del Río 29 Km 10 hostels
• Stage 7
Torres del
Río - Logroño 20 Km 7 hostels
• Stage 8
Logroño -
Nájera 29,6 Km 9 hostels
• Stage 9
Nájera -
Sto. Domingo de la Calzada 21 Km 4 hostels
• Stage 10
• Stage 11
Belorado - Agés 27,4 Km 9 hostels
• Santiago 12
Agés - Burgos 23 Km 7 hostels
• Stage 13
Burgos - Hontanas 31,1 Km 7 hostels
• Stage 14
Hontanas -
Boadilla del Camino 28,5 Km 12 hostels
• Stage 15
Boadilla del
Camino - Carrion de los Condes 24,6 Km 9 hostels
• Stage 16
Carrión de
los Condes - Terradillos de los Templarios 26,6 Km 5 hostels
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