Steve Jobs Standford Commencement Speech
Stories that can be applied to my life.
1. Connecting Dots:
In this part Steve Jobs talks about how things that happened to us in the past, are the things that marked our lives. Those things that we thought were something really bad, but when we look backwards we realize those things were the best things that could happened to us.
My connecting Dots will be how do I enter into Architecture career. Two years ago I wasn't sure of what I was going to study in University at that time the only thing I was sure is that it was going to be something related to nature, like biology. During my last year of high school I had the worse teacher in my favorite class, Biology. He was really the kind of person I dislike the most, so rude and impatient. I use to hated his classes. At that time I was so mad because I didn't believe that one person can make me hate something I like for years. But he did. At the end of that year I lost all the things I use to liked about Biology.
And I got into Architecture because one of my favorite teachers was giving that year Technical Drawing. And I really liked so decide to choose something with construction.
2. Love and Loss
Here Jobs told us that if you love what you do, no matter what happen. You will be successful if you do what you like. Being a beginner every time will make you challenge yourself to your best.

Casa de madera, Sou Fujimoto
I will also talk about my career. During this years in University I have realize that live has so many things to discover. Lots of things that will be not able even to know that they exist. That's why we have to choose something we like. To give this something the most time we can. So we can be able to understand this and start loving what we do. Because its impossible to love something you don't know.
I chose Architecture as a career, and I think was the best decision I took. At the beginning I didn't think to much I just said, yeah Architecture is fine.
But when I started to know about the career I liked it more and more.
At the beginning I had lots of problems in the career, I wasn't good drawing and also I wasn't good in lots of things. But I don't regret I had hard times and still have some. Because I understand that everything I do will make me know more about the career and of course like it more.
Now I am still in the period of time i am falling in love with this career, but still have time to love it so much.
3. Death
Steve Jobs make us think on what we will do if this is going to be the last day of our lives. If you remember you will be death soon it will make take the best decision. Because you will follow your heart and intuition. And you will not waste your time.

Iglesia de la luz, Tadao Ando
I never had an experience like death. But a few weeks ago, because of situations of life I thought I will have to move to other country. Without finishing my career. Leaving all my family and friends here.
I was really scared. But was incredible is that I started to do the activities I normally do. But this time I enjoy them a lot more, Because I thought that was the last time I was going to do this. Its crazy but when you think you are going to lose something you start to realize how much you like it.
During this period of time I realize I have a good live and want to keep living it like that. I am still not sure if I will have to go out to other country, but I hope I will stay.
Rafael Suarez M.