domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Chat... Ricardo

My personal experience in the chat was very interesting. The guys I talked to were nice and were interested in practicing Spanish as I with the english

I started doing general questions about their family, the place where they studied, the things that they liked to do, your favorite music. Finally, general things to practice the language.

One of the most interesting things we spoke, was an issue that I personally have been curious all the time: the bullying. They told me that it is actually normal for people with more resources or appear to have them, mistreat people who are different, who like other music or are new in the school. The bullying began to develop in high school and even in college persists. They told me bullying is different now, the internet is now the way by people abuse their peers.

We also discussed the current political situation in the U.S., and apparently they're not very interested in talking about it, not because they do not want but actually live in a terrible political ignorance. Even the issue of Assange case in Ecuador, they do not like to talk about it, since apparently did not know where it was Ecuador. The fact is that most Americans, living in a terrible ignorance and is not their fault. living in a big country makes them somewhat egocentric. They are good people but need education in international areas. That's the conclusion I drew from talking to them.

Well, I liked the experience, you always learn something new from other people. I think American culture in these days of consumerism may could be represented by corporation logos.=)

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