domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Ricardo e.i

Ok, lets see ... before writing this blog, I wanted to know what is emotional intelligence. Turns out Wikipedia defines it as: the ability to recognize feelings of others and oneself, and the ability to handle them. The term was popularized by Daniel Goleman, in his celebrated book, Emotional Intelligence, published in 1995. Goleman believes that emotional intelligence can be organized around five capabilities: know the emotions and feelings, manage, recognize, create their own motivation, and managing relationships.

With this definition, I honestly do not know who has emotional intelligence ... starting from me, because really I do not think we all have total control of our feelings, however, as in life there are exceptions to everything, actually ever met someone who had emotional intelligence.

When I was about thirteen, and had absolutely nothing to do on summer vacation, I met a carpenter who was my neighbor ... And it was actually one of the most significant events in my life, he taught me things as simple and as valid so far I'm able to put them into practice in my daily life.

He was a humble man born in the El Angel, province of carchi  or “Los Angeles Carchifornia” as affectionately called his land. He was a husband and father of three children, two of them quite elderly and one not yet reached the 10 at the time. Don Anibal was quite cheerful and never lost control of the situation, which for a mere mortal like me, would have been the end of the world. I remember rudely demanded by the backlog that he had (which actually was a lot), but they always responded with a smile and left people with insight pleased with: “Dese un vueltita la otra semana”.

Nothing made ​​him suffer, absolutely nothing, unless the lack of money or the constantly jealous of his wife. Really if I needed advice, I asked him. Because he already had a lot of years above him and I actually think he was quite wise.

Since I was thirteen to eighteen, I was a carpenter all my free time, and I not only learned the trade , but also and most valid, I learned that everything in life can be arranged, in a different way, not  just a broken table. But all aspects of our life , everything can be fixed with patience and joy, that I learned in middle adolescence, and I thank God I found this guy on my way, I really do not know someone who can control as while the five aspects of emotional intelligence as Don Anibal, a great guy indeed ...

1 comentario:

  1. It is amazing to see that in life a lot of people may come and go, but just a few leave a mark. I'm glad you were able to learn from this man. Here you can see that wise people are not only those who have a great degree; wise people are those who manage to make the best out of their lives with whatever it is they have! Oh! and thank you for the definition of emotional intelligence!
