Julio Cortázar, Argentine writer who I think is a perfect example of emotional
intelligence and intellectual, for his unusual way of writing and his very
special way of abstracting real situations mixed with fantasy, breaking with
the ordinary (surrealism).
Cortazar's work proves reader participation, which makes contact with his emotions different situations and both the writer and the reader have their way, experiencing feelings of others as their own. In Rayuela , Julio proposes reading disorder chapters so that the reader can interpret it as you like.

Love, art, jealousy, meetings. The relationship between Julio Cortazar and Alejandra Pizarnik, shown in Rayuela, she had that easy to blow the deep feelings of her "bicho" (Julio). Common interests brought them together: The two grappled with the words, and the soul is left in them.
I consider leaving the soul in a work is the perfect
reference for what is emotional intelligence, more artists have handled
intelligentsia more with the continuing explosion of emotions than the
intellect itself. The management of the real or reason could eventually disrupt
the conduct of an individual but also feeds the variety of feelings, feeds his
madness and generates a sample of true ecstasy and what is.
Interesting point of view! I do agree that Cortázar is a good example of some emotionally intelligent.