domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Emotional Inteligence

Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was one of the people with more emotional intelligence in my opinion and also because emotional intelligence books published with his name.

He was was a lawyer, and Indian political thinker. 
Mahatma Gandhi is a very important figure in the history of humanity. Thanks to his emotional intelligence he made ​​many achievements that anybody dared to do during their lifes. Achievement get much fame with a passive and powerful attitude.
Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar.
He was Karamchand Gandhi´s son, First Minister of Porbandar. Gandhi learned at a very early age not to harm any living being, was a vegetarian, fasting to purify themselves and be tolerant to other faiths and religions

He influenced a lot in the second world war. He was a man of many ideologies of peace and acted with marches and hunger strikes. He hadn´t material objects and was a poor man but He freed his country.
He was a man who made humility and simple truth in something more powerful than empires.
"A leading expert on his beliefs and values​​, able to communicate effectively and persuade others to accept those values ​​and beliefs..
Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize but accomplished much more than an object.He was assassinated in Birla Bhavan, New Delhi, at 78 years of age by Nathuram Godse
Reinaldo Espinoza

Emotional Intelligence - Julio Cortazar by Andrea Cardenas

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify our feelings and those of the others, it’s also a way to express what you feel. In the literature we can clearly identify these skills because it is the actual relationship between the writer, his environment (stimuli) and what he writes. This set generate different reactions in the reader that projected new feelings.

Julio Cortázar, Argentine writer  who I think is a perfect example of emotional intelligence and intellectual, for his unusual way of writing and his very special way of abstracting real situations mixed with fantasy, breaking with the ordinary (surrealism).

Cortazar's work proves reader participation, which makes contact with his emotions different situations and both the writer and the reader have their way, experiencing feelings of others as their own. In Rayuela , Julio proposes reading disorder chapters so that the reader can interpret it as you like.

Love, art, jealousy, meetings. The relationship between Julio Cortazar and  Alejandra Pizarnik, shown in Rayuela, she had that easy to blow the deep feelings of her  "bicho" (Julio). Common interests brought them together: The two grappled with the words, and the soul is left in them.

I consider leaving the soul in a work is the perfect reference for what is emotional intelligence, more artists have handled intelligentsia more with the continuing explosion of emotions than the intellect itself. The management of the real or reason could eventually disrupt the conduct of an individual but also feeds the variety of feelings, feeds his madness and generates a sample of true ecstasy and what is.

Mammalians Maternal Bonds- Emotional Inteligence by Bianca

After the Dinosaurs dissapeared, another specie ruled the world, the Mammals. Although they were generally weaker, they had a distinct advantage: They were built to learn. That means they could adapt their behaviour to the changing enviroment. This ability of learning from each other and teach the young is the one that creates the power of the mammalian enterprise. In the mammalian brain, evolution had produced one of the the nature's most powerfull survival tools: MATERNAL LOVE.

Under the watchful caring eyes of the mammalian mother, a child can learn; this is and advantage so critical to survival that the emotions that bond the mother to their child are one of the strongest in nature. The most fundamental behaviour that everybody recognizes in the mammalian is motherhood. The mother is attached to the child and they communicate with each other through emotional expression; in fact the child learns everything from the mother's face and analices her face constantly in order to learn wether things are safe or dangerous. This relationship between mother and child is necessary because it takes the child a long time to learn about everything. Mother's give us love and nurturance but they also provide us guidance, literally keeping our noses out of trouble and showing us when we are mistaken.

This is a very nice and good example of maternal guidance:
"Young dolphins start to get out of line and they are brought back to line. Let's say a boat is going by and a young dolphin starts swimming up to that boat, and probably in 'dolpheneese' it's been told "don't go near boats, they have something that will hurt you" and... It wasn't listening. What is it's mother going to do? Well, she will swim up to the baby dolphin and drag it back down, push it into the sand, beat it and when it is back to line, she will send high- pitched sonar pulses right through the baby's body to deliver a pearsing and memorable reprimend. But once the message is received, she tenderly strokes it's flipper with her's. That is the dolphin equivalent of holding hands, which means that she's saying: "Ok, you were wrong, now you've been scolded.. But it's ok, I still love you, don't do it again, all right?" (Mike deGruy, 2010)

 To conclude, I think that mothers are the best example of emotional intelligence because in the end as humans, we are mammals too, the most successful animals on Earth, but innitially we are virtually helpless, and without our mothers we would never be more than that. Mammals are not preprogrammed, we must learn about the world, we learn extraordinarily quickly and amazingly well because our mothers make us. That's why mothers were invented.

If you want to get to know more about animal's emotional intelligence, visit:; this page has a lot of information about  it, and I got the dolphin's example from this page.

Emotional intelligence in animals. by Abigail

Many studies say that animals act act only by insticts, but many of us have wondered more than once, if animals really don't have feelings. There are a lot of examples in wich we could appreciate how animals of different species protect one to other, for example when tigers born, their mother look for a place where their can stay safe. When one of them dies, her mother tries to wake, and when finally understands, the mother tooks the baby tiger in her mouth for a long time as a goodbye signal.

Is amazing how in motherhood, animals express strong feelings to their cubs. There are many examples, but another way of expressing affection is when we adopt an animal in our families.

Corey and Nietzche

In my case, I have two cats and I can see how they behave. When one of them is not at home, one misses the other. 
Also when we aren´t at home and we arrive, my cats  come running to meet us to play or pet them. They are very amorous.
I really don´t know if animals have feelings but many of their actions make think that they truly have! 

Ricardo e.i

Ok, lets see ... before writing this blog, I wanted to know what is emotional intelligence. Turns out Wikipedia defines it as: the ability to recognize feelings of others and oneself, and the ability to handle them. The term was popularized by Daniel Goleman, in his celebrated book, Emotional Intelligence, published in 1995. Goleman believes that emotional intelligence can be organized around five capabilities: know the emotions and feelings, manage, recognize, create their own motivation, and managing relationships.

With this definition, I honestly do not know who has emotional intelligence ... starting from me, because really I do not think we all have total control of our feelings, however, as in life there are exceptions to everything, actually ever met someone who had emotional intelligence.

When I was about thirteen, and had absolutely nothing to do on summer vacation, I met a carpenter who was my neighbor ... And it was actually one of the most significant events in my life, he taught me things as simple and as valid so far I'm able to put them into practice in my daily life.

He was a humble man born in the El Angel, province of carchi  or “Los Angeles Carchifornia” as affectionately called his land. He was a husband and father of three children, two of them quite elderly and one not yet reached the 10 at the time. Don Anibal was quite cheerful and never lost control of the situation, which for a mere mortal like me, would have been the end of the world. I remember rudely demanded by the backlog that he had (which actually was a lot), but they always responded with a smile and left people with insight pleased with: “Dese un vueltita la otra semana”.

Nothing made ​​him suffer, absolutely nothing, unless the lack of money or the constantly jealous of his wife. Really if I needed advice, I asked him. Because he already had a lot of years above him and I actually think he was quite wise.

Since I was thirteen to eighteen, I was a carpenter all my free time, and I not only learned the trade , but also and most valid, I learned that everything in life can be arranged, in a different way, not  just a broken table. But all aspects of our life , everything can be fixed with patience and joy, that I learned in middle adolescence, and I thank God I found this guy on my way, I really do not know someone who can control as while the five aspects of emotional intelligence as Don Anibal, a great guy indeed ...

Emotional Intelligence by Belen Chediak

Last week we talked about geniuses, most of them have improved the way we live, and the way we think. science is a very important aspect in our time, but we shouldn't forget about feelings and emotions. 
I think is essencial to remember those who had sacrifice their lives to make the world a better place, the one who had worked for the poor and the unfortunate.
I've chosen a great woman, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. In my opinion, she is one of the most charitable people in the humanity history. Mother Teresa's real name was Agnes Goxha. She was born in Albania, her birthday it's disputed, but they said she was born on 26th August, 1910. 

At a very short age she felt she was called to the Catholic Church, so she moved to India and went to a convent, there she was named Mother Teresa. When she was 18, she decided to left the convent and helping the others in Calcutta. She said Jesus told her to join him and looking after the poor ones. She founded The Missioners of Charity in Calcutta, a Roman Catholic congregation. By the time, the congregation is consistred with more than 4,500 sisters. 
She is an admired nun because of everything she had done to help the poor people in India. Eventhough the first years she didn't have a lot of money, she was very concerned about these people. She brought hope and faith to Calcutta that's why she will never be forgotten. For over 45 years, she ministeres the poor, misguided, dying and sick. After her death, Pope John Paul II  gave her the title "Blessed Teresa of Calcutta". Meanwhile, she is on her way of holiness.
In conclusion, Mother Teresa was a great emotional woman, that gave her life to help the others, and had left a legacy of fraternity that I hope it will go on during this years.

“Unless a life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile"

Emotional Intelligence by Cristian

Emotional Intelligence
For my people with emotional intelligence are amazing people that achieve their goals
I've always heard stories about people facing their fears and go forward but one of the stories that have surprised me about a friend of my father who ten years ago had an accident and unfortunately went blind.
My father with his friends

 My father told me that at first he did not want to leave because he said that his life was over because my dad with his friend always been dedicated to being sport and what they most like to do is to practice jump in the pool.
          And he believed that he could not enjoy this sport anymore, but gradually he began to leave again and started to go back to the pool but at first only to swim.

Ernesto waiting their turn

          Then my father told me that he began to smile again.
Five years ago I remember one day I went to see my dad in the pool that day I could meet him. He is very quiet and very friendly always with a smile that day he told me      “no matter how ugly things look
should always face and overcome them” I never forget that. Was a very motivating
Ernesto waiting their turn

          Nowadays Ernesto does everything he did before and returned to practice jumps in the pool from five to ten meters high. He is a great person to admire.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Emocional Intelligence
Michael Jordan
By Rafael Suarez Molina
I choose Michael Jordan because I think he has one of the biggest emocional intelligence I have never seen.

Michael Jordan started playing basketball since his childhood. He made his own basketball field, so he had a place to play. Since the begining he started to excel from the rest, not just because of a gift, but of hours of practising. That is going to be a caracteristic during all his life.

When he were in Highschool as a softmore, he was cut from basketball team because he was of undersize. But he didnt give up, he started to practice even more, and also grew 4 centimeters, so he could enter the team again.
As a Freshman in North Carolina College he became the player of the game and was drafted to the Chicago Bulls in the NBA.

In the NBA Michael became the best player. Winning championships and MVPs (Most Valuable Player). And he was still the best in every single game, no matter the pressure, no matter how tired he was, no matter what was going on around him. He had the ability to grow himself and his mates to the victory.
To keep being the best he used to think that he was playing for those people that were watching him just for that game.
In 1992 MJ went to the Olympics and won it with the Dream Team. Because of this Michael became the internacional ambassador of Basketball, so he became extremely famous, but he knew how to handle it and he kept being the best.

Air Jordan
He had difficult periods during his life, the biggest one, when his father was murdered. Michael was devastated, but at the end he reborn stronger, thinking his father was with him when he needed him, so he had the lucky to learn from him.

Michael Jordan was a leader and not just in the basketball field. In everything. Because of his greatness he also made lots of achivements beside basketball,he became the President and Coowner of the Washington Wizards, also he built the Nike empire and his own Brand Air Jordan.

Michael has emotional intelligence because he loves what he does.






Emotional Intelligence by José Tinajero

To discribe the emotional intelligence, I will talk about one of my favorite singers.  Edward Louis Severson III, better known as Eddie Vedder. He is the vocalist of Pearl Jam, a well know band of grunge. Since I was a child I used to listen to rock music, my mom loves rock music so a grow up with that. One of the groups that my mom used to listen was Pearl Jam. So every time I listen an old song of them I remember my childhood and the days when I used to pass with my mom.

Eddie Vedder had a difficult childhood. Her mother got divorced when he had 1 year old. And his step father used to abuse his mother in front of him, he made a song about that "Better Man".

What he expresses in his music is what I think that is an Emotional Intelligence. Songs like "Just Breathe" or "The last Kiss" that talks about the death of someone and how to see it in another way, not with sadness, but to remember their lives. Other songs like "Alive" can teach us that even when we fell on black days we are still alive.

Every time I'm sad I listen Pearl Jam or the songs of Eddie Vedder like soloist. Sometimes he make songs that express a truth but in a crude way, a song of this is "Do the Evolution" in where he talks about the humanity and the way that humans are destroying their future, the way that people twist their intelligence. Is an awesome video and is animated for the cartoonist of Batman.That is why I think tha Eddie has an emotional intelligence, and through the music he could express that to the world. Finally I put a video of one of my favorite songs of Pearl Jam. I hope you enjoy.

Emotional Inteligence by Stephanie Saavedra

My three best friends at the college are amazing! They are committed with their studies; they are responsible and try to give all what they have in order to become excellent professionals and the most important they are real friends. Their names are Nicole, Mel and Grace; the three are very intelligent but each one has a different type of it. Nicole is a hard worker, Mel is a crack with the mathematics and Grace is really good at finances; I admired all of them, but, I have something more for what I admire Grace .The last year she lost her father, he died while she was beginning the first semester of our career and it was a shock for everyone. I was the first person that knew what happed and I didn’t know how to react, they were terrible news.

With my best friends Mel , Grace , Nicole and me :}

The first days she was devastated, but she didn’t cry because she promised her father that she won’t do it. Graces father had been suffering a heart disease since many years ago. I was astonished; I never know what to do in that difficult moments of pain and suffering, and that is why I admire her. My family is everything for me and I can’t imagine a life without them, the way she accepted her father’s death it’s something that for me is unimaginable.  Lose someone you love must be the most painful feeling; a lot of people have been destroyed by this pain, others have never overcome it and they have thrown everything out from their lives. But Grace could, she didn’t let the adversity make her fall down.

Grace had many problems with some of the subjects but she will never give up .I think she has an admirable emotional intelligence because despite of the hard blows of life she continues fighting and striving everyday .She promised her dad that she would continue being the great person that she is .Grace is like the sun , she is always shinning and giving a genuine warm smile for everyone .

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

People With Emotional Intelligence... by Grace

Michelle, my sister
To me a person with emotional intelligence is my sister, because she has a character that you say wow!, Increasingly more surprises you. After all she has had in her life pass q think has achieved an emotional intelligence that I really admire.

My Dad, Ms Sister and I

How to forget when my sister was very small and my dad gave to her a pony and instead of getting excited as any child her age should be excited about a gift and my sister began to mourn because she was afraid of the pony. It was so funny, but I also think that experience was what made ​​my sister decided to change that fear to love, to others that that story I will never forget.

My sister standing on his horse
But over the years the girl who was afraid of horses has become passionate about them, their fears became love, can not imagine what to do when she has achieved this with his trusty horse, I have come to understand that trust that manages to create between a rider and his horse, and the horse can understand or I do not know how he does it but he feels that my sister feels, he knows so well known almost think better than me. It is so amazing to see the connection that sometimes I think it is magic, my sister and her horse are one, someday I hope to get to have a connection.

My sister and her horse
I think this is a good intelligence a little strange perhaps not even intelligence but I think so, it's wonderful to see such a person that she was afraid of an animal and over the years came to love the same animal that a scared day and you get to have a unique connection that few people have.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Rafael's vacations

My Summer Vacations

This summer during my vacations I participated in a Work and Travel program. It was the second time that I was doing that so I wast scared, just exciting. Because this time I was going to meet there really good friends. I went to Dorney Park, its an amusement park located in Allentown Pennsylvania.

My trip started in may 25, I travellend from Quito to New York, and then I took a bus to Allentown. It was kind of difficult cause I wasnt sure were to go. But at the end everything was find and I arrived safe.

Already in Allentown I met with my friends, it was so cool and I was so happy to see them again.
Then I started working in the same place as last year but this time as a Supervisor. Its really cool but also challenging.
During free time I was going out with my friends, travelling around the country and knowing different places.

When the summer ended I was really sad, because I didn't want to come back, but I now I know I just need some time to get used to again.
I just now that I will miss my friends really so much and want to see them again.
Belen’s Vacations!
Since the vacations had been long, I decided to apply for a part time job. Actually, I didn’t plan a long-staying trip, so getting a job was a really good idea. I started to work at Zara in Quito for about two months. It as a great experience because I learned a lot of things such as helping people and to be a good saleswoman. In the other hand, it was an exhausting job. I had to work 6 hours a day, and my schedule was really alterative. Some days, I had to work at 8am to 3pm, other days I had to work at 4pm to 11pm. The weekends were really tough! People are crazy about shopping so it was really hard, but still a good experience
During the summer, I also had an amazing time hanging out with my friends. Partying was the best thing in summer. However, I didn’t stay apart from my career. Instead of that, I took many hours drawing and making fun things. I love what I do so I wouldn’t stay apart so long.
In occasions, I made short trips to the countryside with my family or friends. Most of the summer I`ve spent with my best friend Karla. Sadly, she traveled to the U.S in a 1-year- exchange. I miss her a lot.
At the early days of august, I traveled with my family to Manta. I’d stayed for thirteen days. I have a lot of family there so it was really fun. We hanged out in the city. During the mornings we went to the beach. I love being in the coast side, because the weather is so nice. However, most of the days were sunny so I’ve got tanned.
Finally, I spent a brilliant summertime this year. I’ve to confess I wasn’t ready to get back to university, but I’m working out, making the best effort.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Bianca's vacation

Basically, my vacations weren't that long since I graduated from school on June 23rd, so I just had a month and a half to have fun. My original plan was to take six months to relax before studying again but I found out that vacations are not my thing and they were driving me crazy so I came back to the country.

As soon as I graduated, I took a plane to Miami with my parents and my younger sister. We spent 5 days in there, 5 in Tampa and 10 in Orlando. We had an incredible time touring Florida's coasts and meeting friends. First, in Miami I stayed in my uncle's house near Biscane and the most important places I visited were South Beach, one of the hottest places on earth, the Freedom Tower, the Viscaya Museum and Gardens which were stunning, and Hollywood's downtown (Miami's Hollywood).

After Miami, we traveled all along Florida's coasts, and got to know places such as Bonita Springs, Naples, Cocoa Beach, and Cape Canaveral where I visited Kennedy Space Center, a very interesting spot if you like astronomy. Then, I got to Tampa, a beautiful city with a nice residential area where I visited Lowry Park Zoo, Busch Gardens and Ybor City, which is the historical zone of Tampa.
Finally I got to Orlando where I spent my days shopping (a lot!) and visiting theme parks such as Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, Disney's Animal Kingdom and Sea World (I cry every time I watch "Shamú's Show"). Even though I've been there 3 times before, I never get tired of them, they are a lot of fun, and they usually have something new to experience.

In the end, I was supposed to get back to Miami to stay with my uncle for six months but having nothing to do, I mean nothing really productive or mind stimulant irritates me, so since I approved the Catolica's exam, I came back with my parents and made all the admission process.

Sorry I'm not adding a lot of images but the main disc of my computer broke down so I lost a lot of information including my trip's pictures.

Abigail´s vacations

At the begining, my last summer vacation was really boring because I had to take summer classes, and lost nearly two months there. I studied 4th English level at night, and in the morning I passed two subjects of my career. 
In the afternoon when I had no duties I visited a foundation where homeless children live, we prepared some games and movies with other friends to give them moments of fun.

I love to help people who need, you do not always need money to give help, you just need a little time and desire to do it! Is the most beautiful when a child hugs and smiles; that is your reward.

After those two months of my vacations studying, finally I could enjoy three weeks off! 
When I´m in classes I have not enough time to visit my friends, so we decided to take a trip along Ecuador coast. It was very funny because we remainded no more than two days in the same place.
One of the most beautiful beaches that we visited was Los Frailes, near to Puerto Lopez in Manabí. This is the beach that appears in the picture. 

Everything went very well, I was really enjoying those days, however I had to back to college. Unfortunately we were just in the middle of the adventure but I had to return. My friends didn´t return because they had at least one more week of vacations. So I returned with a friend who had also started classes. That´s the reason why I come back classes two days later. But that was my only chance to enjoy before return to classes for another looong year!